FODMAP: download our FODMAP-list

After we wrote articles about FODMAP*, we at have received some questions about how to know if you eat food that contains a lot of FODMAPs.

Potato in the shape of a heart.

We all have different eating habits and it can be difficult to know if the food you eat is rich in FODMAPs or not. We have therefore compiled a list of foods with a rating of their content of FODMAPs. The list is to make it easier for you to investigate whether your particular diet contains large amounts of FODMAPs. Do not use the list to exclude foods from the diet and always make sure to get a correct diagnosis as well as professional guidance from a doctor or dietitian.

The list is free, contains nine pages and is divided into different categories of foods (fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc.). Here it is stated whether the food has a relatively high, medium or low content of FODMAPs.

As several have noted, the list does not (yet) contain any information on meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, etc. None of these, however, contain any high FODMAP levels in their unprocessed form. However, it can be different if they are breaded, fried or cooked in another way. Then you have to go into which ingredients have been used. We will add this information to the list when we update it.
The FODMAP list is in pdf format and you can download the list by entering your e-mail address in the field below. The pdf file is then sent to your e-mail.

Can’t get the list? Check your spam folder so that the email has not ended up there, otherwise you are welcome to contact us and we will help you

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* What is “FODMAP”?

FODMAP are carbohydrates with short sugar chains that are not easily absorbed by our intestines. Instead, these can increase fluid excretion into the gut and bacteria can use FODMAPs as an energy source through fermentation (a fermentation process). In Australia, the intake of so-called FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Di-saccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols) is high and research from there has recently shown that the problems with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can be alleviated if the amount of FODMAPs in the diet is reduced.