Who is this page for?

allaboutIBS.com is a site for you who want to know more about the disease IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Here you will be able to find current information about everything from the latest research findings on the causes of the disease and new forms of treatment to prescriptions and exercise exercises that suit those who suffer from IBS.  

Some of the thoughts behind the page…

– allaboutIBS.com shall provide up-to-date, easily accessible and quality-reviewed information about IBS and nearby disease areas.

– the information on allaboutIBS.com should be able to interest readers at all levels – from diet, prescription and exercise tips to details and reports on the latest research findings.

– allaboutIBS.com must be continuously adapt to the readers’ wishes.

– at allaboutIBS.com you should always be able to see who wrote an article

– many articles will be written by the editorial staff as behind the page during the start-up.

– at allaboutIBS.com there will be advertising to finance that the content is free for those who read. It must always be clear if something is an advertisement.

– it will not be possible to buy editorial material on the site.

The editors reserve the right to freely choose topics to rewrite.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to suggest a topic that we could address in an article or if you find something else that we should change. Just keep in mind that you need to have well-founded and factual arguments for the information on the website to be adjusted.

The information on allaboutIBS.com is not comprehensive within IBS and what you can read about on the site can never ever replace advice or diagnosis given by a doctor. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your health, then contact the nearest care clinic directly.

If you want to get in touch with the editorial staff of allaboutIBS.com, use the contact information below.



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