Current treatment options for IBS with diarrhea

Current treatment options for IBS with diarrhea

Diarrhea, loose stool, the runs, or holiday tummy. Whatever you call it, diarrhea is probably something we have all experienced at some point in life. Prolonged diarrhea can have a major impact on life and IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D) is one of the most common IBS...

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IBS: What can you do to feel better?

IBS: What can you do to feel better?

"My son and I have both been diagnosed with IBS. I get constant diarrhea that disrupts my life. I often get bloated and feel frequent heartburn. It also sometimes leads to nausea, or even vomiting. My son has excluded lots of foods that he says he cannot tolerate. He...

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Probiotics and IBS: Are they effective?

Probiotics and IBS: Are they effective?

About 1.5–2 kg of bacteria resides in the human gastrointestinal tract. It is estimated that there are more intestinal bacteria than there are cells in the body. The dominant bacterial species in the colon are bifidobacteria and bacteroids while the flora of the small...

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